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Just kidding! This blog is in English, not Amharic. Above is a very inspirational quote I came across. Don't expect much else new from this blog; new project, team, details. You know the drill. Anyway, let's talk about what my instructions tell me to talk about. In class, we have been doing a new project, as usual. This time it's animation. We learned to make a GIF in Photoshop, now were doing the same things but for a whole animation, and it's not a GIF. We teamed up for this one. I'm on a team with Linden and Shaday. Their blogs are somewhere below if you want to see them. Lindens is very funny. I've never read Shaday's. For the animation, we are supposed to exaggerate personal traits of ours. Mine is introvertedness, Linden's is procrastination, and Shaday's is hyperactivity. We are not saying that being lazy, shy, or hyper is bad, we are just using them as our main traits.This animation is meant to do two things. One- It has to be funny. Two- It has to teach a life lesson. I think that these are two very difficult things to mix together, especially if it has to be consciously visible two a teacher and students. Our life lesson is focused towards introverts, but I think we all have a little bit of introvertedness in us, some more than others. You are supposed to learn that there is no need to be shy, and you are never entirely alone in this world. There is always someone you can talk to if you want. It is also humorous because of how it unfolds rapidly and basically everything goes wrong. Linden and Shaday's traits would be fine for my task, but my task is to talk to people, and I'm the introvert. Their traits also make it difficult for them to do their tasks.
Working with teams is never a completely smooth ride. Working people you've never been within ten feet of before has its upsides and downsides. One good thing is that you don't want to make a bad impression, so you try to pull your weight. The downside is that you can be shy, and maybe not share all your thoughts, and it can be awkward working with new people. My team had varying skill levels. Linden has experience, and had a very easy time with it. Shaday and I were both new to animating in Photoshop, and it certainly showed. From 1 to ten, I would give our team a 4.5 on productivity. I think our best moment was the pitch, which Mr. Sanderl seemed to think was funny. Our biggest challenge was my and Shaday's lack of experience. Below are three behind the scenes photos, what the class though of it, and our storyboard.

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