Thursday, August 20, 2015

Personal Manifesto

Hi! My name is Callum, and this is my blog! Here are five interesting things about me! One, I have a Youtube channel, a Vine, a Google plus, and now this Blog. Two, I have unusually long hair for a boy. Three, I like skating, soccer, and basketball, but I like skating the best, I also have a strong fandom for Harry Potter. Four, three of my top artists to listen to are The Beastie Boys, Eminem, and Nirvana. And five, I enjoy gaming, making and developing games, typing, and basically anything that has to do with computers and technology.

Here are a list of personal quotes, made by me, that drive me everyday, and I hope they will inspire you to do great things! By giving up on a goal, you are giving up more on yourself than anything else. If you are not stressed about anything, you should start paying attention to the world. If you are acing everything you do, you are doing the wrong things. You should be preparing for the future, not getting comfortable now, because in the future you will think back and wish you could be happy then, not now.

Personal Manifesto: Work hard now, tomorrow, and every day. Do whatever good you can. Your future depends on today everyday. Play hard and learn everyday. Do anything you can to achieve your dreams. Find what you like, and devote your life to it. Don't act like just one type of person, do whatever you like. A day without fun is a day wasted. By following in another's tracks, you leave no footprints. Be the black sheep in the herd. Challenge yourself. If you do something, give 100%.

I believe that my manifesto applies to you because those are the thoughts, ideas, and precedents that drive me forward in life, and I think that they are things that should inspire everyone and drive them on in life. I am inspired by them, and I hope they inspire you too. They inspire me too do things that I want to do and make something good out of every situation. One particular part inspires me to create and do something that is different and new. I want to inspire you, too, to chase your dreams and set big goals for yourself. I want it to make you an ambitious, hard working, good person by giving you that manifesto.

Here are three images that symbolize me:

I chose this because I am a bibliophile with an eclectic personality, and books tell many stories, like my personality. I specifically chose Harry Potter books because magic is real and there is nothing you can do about that. One of my four cats represents me because like him, I am small, fast, funny, and quite smart.( Not to brag. I don't like people who brag a lot).

I chose this because I prefer being on cement better than anything else, I am creative( referencing the entire skating culture, not the individual boards), and I do not break easily.

I hope you liked this blog, it was just an introduction and there is more to come!